Documentation + User Guide

I made a significant number of changes in my final submission in comparison to my concept

this included the changes to the 2 shields being changed into 1 shield with a projectile system to give less repetition and more functionality

the overall game field and idea behind the enemy attacks was different as originally it was planned to be 360 however this felt weird to the overall intended feel of the "escaping with a mana crystal" theme

different projectiles was always intended but i also intended beam attacks however decided they felt weird to implement and were going to feel off if the single shield was occupied for multiple seconds at a time

overall the game didn't come out as planned and if i had more time i would improve many aspects of it to fit the original intended concept however as a basis it fit the original and expanded on some holes the concept had.


Feed back i received helped me a lot in finalising the differences from week 12's testing period

 i received feed back regarding the two shields and how it felt repeating 

better scaling for the text

better anchoring (canvas wasn't anchoring properly)

changing the health value to a health bar using UI elements 

these were all taken into account and added 


External sources used Accessed 13 Sept. 2024. (magic projectiles) ts/brown-rock-tileset-top-dow... Accessed 16 Sept. 2024(title map) Accessed 16 Sept. 2024(medieval assets) 

Custom assets 

player's projectile made using

Audio loop made using

Shield asset made using

other assets included texts, bars and sliders which are all unity UI elements


Timer that changes levels

projectile system

enemy projectile system (homes towards player)


Chatgpt usage noted in scripts as comments 

User guide

A and D to control the shield 

Left mouse button to shoot(becomes available round 2 )

if player has lost 

E to return to main menu

R to restart from round 1

The gameplay is basic and involves 3 levels where projectiles fly towards the player each dealing 1/5 hearts of damage to the player, resulting in a gameover if health reaches 0 however, if the player is able to survive for a minute they are transported to the next level where the game gets harder and increases in spawn rate.  There are 3 projectile types and each has a different speeds in order of Imp trident, fireball, tornado

The shield element allows the player to block incoming projectiles and moves in a roughly 180 degree rotation

Once the player reaches level 2 they are able to fire projectiles out to intercept incoming projectiles 

Above is projectiles used in the form of a sprite sheet


crystal defenders final Play in browser
94 days ago

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